April 2024

Week 1: Who are you online? A look at online identity

Are we the same people online as we are offline?  The internet gives everyone a chance to be whomever they want. with all this power though, we should seek to be our most authentic selves. 

Week2: Finding balance: Risk and reward for a connected life

Technology like money or medicine is a tool that can be used to great effect, but it can also be overused to the point of addiction or harm. This week we will look at how to find balance in our use of technology. 

Week3: Online Relationships: What changes when we go virtual?

Technology lets us connect with people that maybe we would not have been able to connect with before.  But is an online connection the same as a real one? join us this week as we explore what it looks like to connect with others online and in person.

Week 4: Trolls, fake news, and seeking truth in the digital age. 

we all know that there are people that are posting lies as truth, people that are trying to tear others down and how difficult it can be to find out what is true online. Join us this week as we review some best practices for avoiding trolls and seeking the truth.